Well, I am now in San Diego for 4 1/2 days at an Equine practitioners convention. Jack is in charge of the kids. He says he is doing ok so far. He had a little freak out this morning when Kyle had a runny nose. Well, actually, more like a panic...but I calmed his fears it was a little cold and he would be ok. So, this is the week that Jack can appreciate all I do at the house. Thus, I call it Mom Appreciation Week. The kids seem to be doing well and Devin is gabbing up a storm to me when I call. Kyle can't verbalize if he misses me... so I hope he is ok. He has bonded well to Jack, so I feel comfortable that he is in his regular routine and with Dad & sister.
The convention is going well. It is really a catch 22 being away from the kids... you relish the adult conversation, eating out, and some peace... but you miss the kids a lot too. Its only been 2 days --- I will definately be ready to go home by Wednesday. I plan on missing morning sessions tomorrow morning and having some "me" time. I will sleep in, eat leisurely, read emails, read my book and maybe work out. I guess it depends how I feel. Then, I will go to meeting all afternoon and banquet tomorrow night.
I took Kyle to pediatrician last week. He is 13 months. He weighs 18lbs 15 oz (5% for weight) and 29" tall (10% for height). I call him little but mighty. He is very strong and has no fear and is always busy running around. He has a long body and really short legs... so I have to buy him 6-12mos size pants because his legs are so short. He refuses to wear sneakers... has a temper tantrum.. won't walk and tries to pull them off. But, he will let me put mocassins on. So, that is what he wears. Anyway, doctor says he definately has a milk allergy. Plus, I have tried him on soy milk and lactaid too... he doesn't tolerate either of those. So, its back to soy formula again. He is doing well on it. I may have to keep him on soy formula for many more months. He also got his influenza vaccine. He only got one vaccine b/c he had a bad reaction in the past. He did very well this time and we are going to do one at a time every few weeks until he is caught up. He has another cold right now... I think this is the 3rd since coming home from Vietnam.
We went to a Vietnamese playgroup last weekend at Kelley's house. She adopted a boy from the same orphanage and agency as Kyle. Her son, Henry, was adopted about 6 weeks after Kyle. It was great to see him again. He looks much better. He was a special needs kid and did not get good care at the orphanage. Kelley is still working on bonding/attaching with him b/c of his neglect in the orphanage. Plus, she is still dealing with his medical issues. I hope they find a diagnosis and can help him. He has the most hypnotic , deep penetrating eyes. They really touch me. I also got to meet Julie and her 2 daughters... one is also adopted from same agency as Kyle. There were 2 other mothers there who adopted from Vietnam but through another agency. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I am always trying to do to much at once and had to leave early to get ready to leave for San Diego.