Ok. My life is all drama and I just want boring. I like to call it Mama Drama. So, it starts out that I have been working or "on call" for 1 week solid. Ugh. So, finally Tuesday comes...my only day off. My horse, Chase colicks bad and I'm up all night with him. I didn't think he was going to make it... I had to run IV's, pass a nasogastric tube twice, and give him all kinds of medications. Fortunately, he made it through... So, the next night (my night off after working hard all day), one of my good clients and friends' horse suddenly goes into toxic shock and is dying. She calls me at home and I rush over. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything I could do but euthanize the horse and comfort my friend. Up again late. Took two beers to calm down my nerves afterwards.
So, today I took Kyle to gymnastics class this morning. He was doing great until his cough (from his cold) kicked in and that phenomenal gag reflex he has kicked in to full effect. He barfed all over himself, all over the bathroom (where I grabbed him and ran while he was barfing all over himself)and all over the toilet. Ok, we got over that, returned to class, sans nasty shirt, and then he did it again about 20 minutes later. I figured we better leave at that point. So,we went to pick up Devin from preschool. All is well again until we are driving down the road and Devin informs me she has to pee and she has to pee NOW. "Its going to come out Mom, you have to stop!" So, I do an emergency pit stop on the side of the road. At this point, I realize my daughter does not know how to squat properly and pees all over her shoes and pants by accident. Ok... we gotta go home so everyone can change. Then, we are off to the daycare so I can go to work AGAIN. Of course, when dropping the kids off, Devin has a complete temper tantrum b/c I forgot her backpack and left it at home when I changed the kids clothes... ya just can't win.
So, work was busy with lots of drama and now I'm home watching Grey's Anatomy trying to veg out. Kyle is in bed and Devin is watching her nighttime shows. Ahh... a moment of peace.... Course, I'm on call tonight, so ya never know...