OK- I'm lame for not posting for a month. But, I have good excuses. After my last post, Kyle got sick - AGAIN- with another ear infection & high fevers> 104 degrees. He went back to Urgent Care and given an antibiotics shot. That was about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Yesterday, I took him to new dentist, West Valley Pediatric Dentists, and had his front two teeth repaired for the 4th time. They sedated with oral sedation this time before the nitrous oxide. They put caps on his two front teeth. Personally, I think they are a bit large... but whatever. I don't think his front teeth will ever be normal until they fall out and he gets his permanent teeth in. Guess I have to wait YEARS for that to happen. He didn't really get very sedate and still cried and screamed throughout the procedure. Poor guy... he'll either grow up hating dentists forever or become one. Then, today, he spiked another 103.1 fever. Ugh. Back to doctor... they couldn't find anything wrong (except a fever). They did a throat swab, urine test, checked ears, etc.. Hope he comes out of this ok. Had to take this morning off work & Jack & I are switching in next 30 min so I can see some calls.
Meanwhile, Devin graduated from preschool. They had quite the production. That was about 2 weeks ago. It was very cute. She is still in summer school because she doesn't take to "change" well and we thought consistency would be best. She will stay in preschool until kindergarten starts in August. Meanwhile, she started ballet/tap classes at Steppin Out studio in May. The girl dances like Elaine from Seinfeld (it's a sad sight to behold)... but at least she likes it. I'm trying to convince her to try hip-hop or musical theater instead. She also started swim lessons again last week. Kyle is also taking a couple classes. He started a "Mommy & Me" tumbling class in June and just had his first swim lesson last week.
Work is going ok.... picked up more this spring,so that is good. Well, that's all for now...