Sunday, May 18, 2008

IVF #2

After miscarrying in May 05, we decided to try naturally for 6 months. Maybe we would have the same luck again?! Well, it didn't happen. So, we went to my regular OB/Gyn in late Nov 05. We did some preliminary blood tests & then decided to try some superovulation (Clomid), HCG and progesterone treatments with ultrasound evaluations. We tried 4 cycles of that with no success. We decided we needed to go back to an infertility specialist. At that time, Mayo had stopped doing infertility treatments. I called but could not find my old doctor. So, we went back to my first infertility specialisits, ARMS.. Arizona Reproductive Medical Specialists in Phoenix. We saw Dr. Faber again. Of course, they wanted to repeat a lot of the tests that were already done on us for our last IVF. We had to re-do infectious disease tests (and NO we do not have chlamidia, HIV, Hep A & B, syphylis) for the 2nd time! I didn't want to do it -but state law required it. Isn't that crazy?! All the druggies out there can have kids but I have to have all these tests to prove myself healthy enought to have one! We had to re-do Jack's semen evaluation and they convinced us a semen chromatin assay test was a good thing. In retrospect, it was a total waste of time and money and I'm a little unhappy with them for pushing it. It gave us no useful information and cost $500 out of pocket.

First, they wanted to do a Clomid challenge test with AI and run a bunch of hormone tests on me & ultrasound. They said my FSH was slightly elevated and I had a low ovarian reserve. This translates to: I don't have many eggs left and they are probably not good quality. Of course, I didn't get pregnant. I wanted to try IVF right away rather than fiddle around with more low tech infertility treatments which don't work for me. First, they have to do a "mock transfer" in which they put saline in me & ultrasound to determine the best place to put the embryos. At this time, they found an endometrial polyp. Dr. Faber recommended to have it surgically removed b/c it could interfere with implantation of the embryo(s). I agreed and had it surgically removed the next month. The surgery went well with no complications.

We went through our final plans, payment, instructions for IVF and then started meds for IVF in May 2006. During this the next couple weeks, I had daily ultrasounds, blood tests, and injections. I felt like a cow running through a chute and was treated like that too. I came to realize why I had left ARMS in the first place before IVF with Devin. I did not really care for their bedside manner at ARMS. Yes, they were efficient and thorough. But, I felt like I was just a number with a check that they could put in their statistics. Not once did I see or hear from Dr. Faber except at our initial consultation and surgery. She never called or checked up on me again. We had another doctor who did my tests and he had the personality of a door. He made small talk but I knew he really didn't listen b/c he would ask the same questions the next day. I always feel that if a doctor CARES about you, they will work harder for you. That is important to me. That is how I try to treat my clients and patients. So, I had my egg retrieval on May 28th. They performed ICSI (which they said they weren't going to do b/c of the chromatin test- so why did we even do that?!) Unfortunately, out of 9 eggs, only 4 were mature (I think they retrieved too early). Only 3 fertilized. The weird thing was it took 3 days for all 3 to fertilize. That did not sound right to me. So, we transferred all 3 embryos in 3 days later. They put me on all this nasty medication afterwards which I did not like. Iasked for progesterone injections-but they insisted on patches and vaginal meds- I hated them. I had an allergic reaction to the patches and got an infection from the internal meds. Ugh.

As you know, my pregnancy test was negative. Of course, they wanted to repeat it- which I really didn't want to do. I had my period and knew it was negative. But, I went in again to rub salt into my wounds for another negative test. Then, they had the gall to ask me to come back in a few weeks to take the test again... I said no, I wouldn't put myself through another negative test. I never heard from them again. Needless to say, I was not that happy with ARMS and would not recommend them.

At this point, Jack and I were considering our options... IVF one more time? embryo adoption? domestic or international adoption? We decided to wait a couple months and grieve and think about things for awhile...

1 comment:

Blogger said...

It hardly seems fair, whatever THAT is! Is your dossier already in Vietnam and are you matched?
You might enjoy my blog family building... it will look familiar.
Good luck!