Got all Kyle's test results back... all normal and negative. Our doctor had the following tests run... HIV, Hepatitis B &C, syphylis, CBC, liver/kidney enzymes, TB, hepatitis antibody titers and fecal parisitology tests. They were all negative or normal. Yea!!! Since we know nothing about his parents... its a huge relief to know he doesn't have any underlying disease. Also, his antibody titer for hepatitis were positive... proving he had the vaccine they claimed he did and his body has immunity. I also had his hearing checked last week. I know he can hear...but he never had an auditory exam at birth like they do in the US. They check his tympanic membrane integrity and hearing on various levels. Everything was completely normal.
When we got him, he had 5 teeth already in... 2 upper and 3 lower. Well, he is now "teething" and 3 teeth are coming in at once!! Poor guy. He was teething so bad yesterday he bit his lip and started to bleed. Had to give him some ibuprofen this morning.. he was very grumpy. It really helped a lot. Speaking of teething... he bites. He just started doing that a few days ago... he gets so excited when we play with him and wants to chew on everything.... and them "chomp." It really hurts b/c he has teeth! Gotta break him of that habit quick! I also had his haircut for the first time last week. He did very well and no fuss at all when they buzzed his head. His hair was "old man's hair" ... long in back & on sides... short on top with a comb over. It looks really cute now. Took him to the public pool for the first time yesterday. He LOVED it.... couldn't slow him down. The boy has no fear- just the opposite of Devin. I took them both to the mall the other day too. Got some photos done at Kiddie Kandids. I got Devin's 4 year old pictures done and then had one taken of them both. It was an ok picture... not great b/c we couldn't get them both looking at us and smiling at same time. Tried to get Kyle's done by himself , but that didn't work this time. Will try again when he is 1 year old in a couple months.
I am finally figuiring out how to use my YouTube. I have posted 2-3 videos. The first 2 are when we first met Kyle at the orphanage in Vietnam. I am trying to download a new one of Devin & Kyle playing peek-a-boo at the house. You can watch them by going to:
1 comment:
I came across your blog while doing research for Phoenix Children's Hospital. Your story about Kyle was very touching and I think it'd help give hope to other parents in similar situations. PCH has set-up a website that allows parents, patients and hospital staff to share their inspirational stories with others. I think that your story would make a great addition to the website.
The website is an an interactive time-line that shows stories over the 25 years that PCH has been operating. The website can be found at the following URL:
I hope that you will consider sharing your inspiring story with others.
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