Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giving Kisses

I just had to post about the great morning we had yesterday. When Kyle first woke up, he spontaneously reached out for Devin and gave her a big kiss on the lips. Then, they proceeded to give each other about 10 kisses in a row. They did it again this morning. It was so cute. They really love each other and play well together. Kyle has been giving me kisses for 2-3 months now. Then, he started giving Jack kisses. In the last month, he has been giving Devin kisses. It is a real milestone in his attachment and bonding with us. :)

Kyle is really starting to understand lots of things I am saying. I have been trying to teach him right and wrong and saying "your sorry". Sometimes he will hit at Devin... and I tell him it's not nice and to say he is sorry. He will walk over to her and put his head on her shoulder. It is so sweet. His personality is starting to shine and he has a bit of a sense of humor. When I ask him certain questions, he will swing his head back and forth for "no" and then laugh. I tell him he is silly. He gets a kick out of it.

Kyle is also getting 5... yes FIVE... teeth in at once over the last week or two... 3molars and the two upper canines (or eye teeth)... all just broke through the gums in the last few days. If you don't recall, he did this in September when he got 4 teeth in at once over a two week time period!

On the digestive problems, he has had no diarrhea for about 4-6 weeks now. Thank God. (Knock on wood). Maybe we can make some lead-way in his gaining weight now. He is still on soy formula as he does not tolerate milk, soy milk or lactaid.

We have our court date next Wednesday for our re-adoption of Kyle in the state of Arizona. We will also finally be changing his name officially to Kyle from his Vietnamese name. He will get a new birth certificate from Arizona. It will be a US Citizen born on foreign soil birth certificate. Yea.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Kids are Crazy

Yup. My kids were completely wild tonight. Kyle is running around like a nut... trying to push all the furniture, trash cans, high chair and wagons around. He is always trying to climb on his kids chair and has fallen off and banged his head several times. His pain tolerance is very high (which is the exact opposite of Devin who has none)and pain is not a deterant for him. He will bang his head or hurt himself, cry for 10 seconds, and then DO IT AGAIN. He banged his head twice on the bathtub today... trying to stand up and jump all around and also fell off the kids chair once today. Plus, he hit his head yesterday and got a bloody lip this past weekend. He constantly has a new bruise on his forehead or an old one healing. Plus, he likes to push the envelope. He got a stool and stood next to the counter and tried SEVERAL times to play with the stove knobs. I said No several times... and flicked his hands... and he still wouldn't stop until we physically picked him up and moved him away. Then, he was off to the toilet (still with pee in it that Devin didn't flush) and played with that. Got him cleaned up and closed the toilet and door... Then, we got into the cat's water bowl and knocked it all over the place. Finally, I had enough of playing defense and put him to bed.

As for Devin, she is the "informer" and goes around either instigating drama with Kyle or informing me of his wrong doings... "Mom.. Kyle's playing in the toilet. Mom, Kyle is pullin off all the toilet paper. Mom, Kyle is playing in the cat's food. Mom, Kyle is playing in the trash can. Mom, Kyle just ate something off the floor." The list goes on. :) Devin had dance at The Little Gym today. This is 2nd week of new semester. Since this is a new class (although same teachers and same placce) she is being shy and reserved... as usual. But, this week is better than last week. She really likes the teachers and her confidence is slowly getting better.

As for me, I have been very busy at work lately. Our clinic hosted the Veterinary Management Group this weekend. I was out Thurs night, all day Friday & Friday night, all day & night Sat & Sunday. So, I didn't get to see the kids much. We had our first babysitter at home on Friday night. It went well and we will use her again. Kyle and Devin both liked her and no crying. This is good b/c Kyle does not except new people easily and won't let me leave him at church or the gym. He freaks out. But, he did well on his home turf. I am glad it worked out b/c Jack and I are going to try and have more "date nights" this year. It is our New Years Resolution to find more time for each other as a couple. That is hard to do with two toddlers. Anyway, the meeting was about buying/ selling a veterinary practice. It is in the planning stages for me to buy into my clinic as a partner this year. I hope it all works out.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas & New Year's

Well, the holidays are over. It is so much fun to celebrate with kids. They bring the fun & excitement back into the holidays. Of course, the got too many gifts again.... we tried to cut back. But, they got a lot of gifts from friends and family. We have to say that Devin got a new bike for Christmas from Santa and she was very excited. Kyle got a lot of cars and likes to make the "car noises". We traveled back East to Delaware to visit family. We actually traveled on Christmas day. It worked out ok... got to see my parents, sister Vicki & family, and brother Mike & family. It was the first time they have met Kyle. Both kids did pretty well on the plane ... we are in "survival" mode during that time. Just try to get through it and entertain the kids. I also got a chance to see my friend Kathy from college and 2 friends Maureen & Char from High School. Kyle did well and adjusted to his new environment and new people better than expected. By the time we left, he was going to his grandparents and even gave grandma a kiss!

Speaking of kisses, we have had a few firsts lately... he is now "giving unsolicited" kisses to me (open mouth... but we are working on that)and giving solicited kisses to Devin & Jack. I know he is understanding more and more... he will come up and give hugs (he leans his head on you) if I say he has to say sorry. He does have a bit of a temper and thrashes his arms and yells whe he is mad. Thus, why he has to say he is sorry... he sometimes hits Devin or other people. He definately has become competitive with his sister and if I'm giving her hugs... he runs up and hits her,pushes her or pulls her hair and yells and tries to push his way into my arms. Even if I'm hugging him at same time, he does not want to share me. He thinks I'm all his! He can also give "high 5's now" and smile with a cheesy smile (see photo of him in car seat) when I point camera at him! He is figuring out I like to take pictures (got a new camera from my hubby for Christmas).

Devin is into "body parts" lately... who has them and what are they. She says she has a "china" and boys have a penis. It makes me laugh so much I don't correct her. It's actually kinda cute. She is big into pretend and playing with her animals. I think she is also going through growing pains in her legs... she says they hurt "on the inside Mom". I had them when I was young too. Did I tell you she cut her own hair a few weeks ago?! I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. A big chunk of hair about 3" wide was about 3-4" shorter than the rest of her hair. I asked her what happeneded and she said "I don't know". Hmmm... I finally got the truth out of her.

The kids enjoyed visiting their cousins over the holidays... Devin & Eben really liked to play together. He is a handful and I don't envy my brother Mike at all. He is a lifetime member of the time-out club. We shall see what happens with Kyle in the future. He definately is moer adventurous and has more of a temper than Devin. I think that is being a boy. People say boys are easier than girls. But, I really think girls are easier than boys... at least when they are toddlers. We'll see what I think when she is a teenager! :)