Monday, November 2, 2009


Yes, my house is vomit-ville. Kyle STILL vomits on a regular basis. It is both gross and frustrating- and sometimes even embarrassing in public. Let's just say we should buy stock in carpet cleaners like Spot Shot and Resolve. So far, all we can figure is he has a super- sensitive gag reflex. If he coughs, he barfs. It's that simple. Phlegm in the throat? Don't worry- he will get it out- he will cough till he pukes. He even knows when he is going to do it now and will grab a plate or a bowl or hang his head over a toilet.

He just got over a cold, and needless to say, because of his snotty nose, he had lots of phlegm. Lots of phlegm = lots of barfing. That was a nightmare b/c he felt fine otherwise but would start coughing and then vomit. He would do this at home, at daycare, at the gym, in the car.... SO GROSS. Basically, I call it "Vomit and run". He would literally start coughing, vomit, then be done and take off at mock speed again. It is a pain b/c I always have to carry extra outfits (for him and me). If he vomits in public, I can get dirty looks from other parents thinking I brought my sick kid out in public. But, he has never run a fever, had any changes in behavior or appetite. He literally can vomit and then want to eat the next minute.

We had all kinds of tests done including.... food allergy tests, CBC's, Chem panels, fecal cultures, fecal parasite testes, fecal WBC's tests... all came back normal. We tried Prevacid for GERD- no change. We tried a dewormer. I am at a loss.

Our pediatrician thinks he will outgrow it. I hope so. I really don't want to take him to a Gastroenterologist and have him scoped. He really gets freaked out with doctors b/c of all the tests he has had. I still think it is cough related. His cough is better now that the cold is over...but still has a slight cough when he gets up. I have a humidifier in his room.

Well, I guess I have to live with the "barf boy" until we figure out what causes it or he outgrows it. Hopefully, soon.

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