Health Status/Concerns:
Kyle is healthy, growing and gaining weight. He is now 38” tall and weighs 31 lbs. He has outgrown most of his milk intolerance and handles many milk products now. He can eat cheese and ice cream now. He still drinks almond milk. He no longer has problems with diarrhea. He still has a sensitive gag reflex when he coughs. If he gets a cold and starts coughing, he vomits easily. He is fairly healthy now and only occasionally has to go to the doctor for the occasional ear or sinus infection from a cold. He gets an annual doctor preventative exam and is current on all his vaccines. Kyle goes to a pediatric dentist twice a year for check-ups and to have his teeth cleaned. His teeth are doing well and he still has the caps in that were put in last year. He loves having his teeth brushed and flossed and likes to rinse with minty mouthwash.
Motor Skills/ Language Development:
Kyle has always had excellent fine and gross motor skills. He is running and climbing all over everything. He has taken swimming lessons last summer and early fall and is currently in swimming lessons again. He is a good swimmer for his age and can front crawl for about 10 feet and swim under water, jump off the side of the pool, and hold his breath. He is also good at gymnastics. He is very flexible and athletic. He likes to draw and can cut with scissors. His language skills are average for his age. He is very talkative and learns quickly. He is very curious and wants to know why and how things work. He asks lots of questions about everything all the time. He wants an answer. He thinks like an engineer.
Daily Routine/ Activities:
Kyle is a very active little boy. When he is not sleeping, he is on the go! He usually sleeps a total of 12 hours a day. He sleeps 10 hours at night and takes 1 nap a day for another 1- 2 hours. When he gets up in the morning, he likes to snuggle on the couch, drink his milk, hold his “lovies” (stuffed animals) and watch cartoons. His favorite thing is cars and trucks. He likes to see them, ride in them, read books about them, play with toy cars, and watch movies about cars. He even likes to wear clothes and pajamas with cars on them. We usually go outside to play every day. He likes to go swimming a lot in the summer. He also likes to push his toy lawn mower or pull carts/ wagons around. He also loves to climb on and ride the tractor with his dad and play on toy cars. He loves his older sister and they play together every day.
Kyle loves books. He picks out his favorite books with pictures and likes to sit in our lap for us to read it to him. Of course, his favorite books are about cars. I usually take Kyle to the library at least once a week. He knows exactly where the books and movies about cars are. He likes to watch and read about cars, Monster trucks, military trucks, construction vehicles, and race cars.
Kyle’s mother works part-time and he goes to daycare at a private home from 8am-3pm every day. There is only 3 other children there so he is very comfortable and gets a lot of personal attention. He has been going to the same daycare since he was 10 months old. He plays well with the other kids. They love to play pretend and play together. Last fall and spring, Kyle took a tumbling class and gymnastics class once a week. He loved it and is very athletic and has lots of energy. He will resume one of these classes this fall.
Social/ Emotional Development:
Kyle is truly a part of our family. He is very attached to his parents, his sister, his daycare provider and other children at daycare. He gives lots of hugs and kisses to his family and likes to snuggle beside us on the couch. We never leave the house without a hug and a kiss. He comes to us for comfort and reassurance. He accepts strangers well if his family is with him and he is in his “own environment”. However, he is wary of strangers in a new environment without his parents close by. Sometimes in new situations he can be a little shy. But once he is comfortable, he is very outgoing and talkative. He gets along well with his sister, the other children at his daycare, and other children in the neighborhood.
Kyle is very opinionated and can have a temper. He knows what he likes and wants and can have the occasional temper tantrum if he does not get his way. He likes structure and order. He is very clean and likes things organized and clean. He likes to do things by himself and is very independent. He is now potty trained and only uses a diaper at night. He can use the bathroom by himself most of the time without help. One of his favorite things right now is to chew gum. He LOVES gum.
Achievements and Accomplishments:
Kyle is a very accomplished swimmer and very good at gymnastics for his age. He can do front rolls and back bends in his tumbling class. He can doodle with crayons and cut with scissors. He is walking and running and climbing on things. Everyone we meet thinks he is cute and sweet. He can feed himself with a spoon or fork, and eat finger foods. He drinks out of a sippy cup and or a cup with a straw. Kyle is now sleeping in a toddler bed. We potty trained him last year. It was very easy. He occasionally likes to ride our horses being hand-led. He loves to go on tractor rides with his dad. He is a joy and we love him very much!!!
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