Saturday, September 3, 2011


Well- life is busy as always. I just had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee 2 days ago for a torn meniscus. I am doing ok. Actually kind of enjoying having some time off work and relaxing. My friends have been making me meals for the last few days and I've been watching some movies and reading and catching up on life.So, it's not all bad. But, you know, it's always something... Kyle decided to run a crazy 105.6 fever this afternoon. So Jack took him to Urgent Care BY HIMSELF. That was a first. He did good... but couldn't even tell the doctor who our regular pediatrician is. Gotta love men. What would they do without women? It would not be pretty.

Kyle is doing well otherwise. He is about 38 inches tall and weighs about 30 lbs. He is swimming really well and taking swim lessons again. He is obsessed with gum and chapstick (chappy) and loves his stuffed animals (his lovies)- especially the cats and chihuahuas. I still have not been able to wean him off of diapers at night... but we are trying. He is tough to get to sleep tonight... it's always something... one more kiss, one more hug, one more potty break, one more question, one more whatever.... It wears on me sometimes. He is talking really well but still pronounces his F's like Sh's . So if he says fish... he says shish.

Well, gonna drink some sangria and chill on couch now with ice packs on me knee.

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