Saturday, April 5, 2008

My First Post

OK- This is my first official blog post. Many family and friends thought it was a good idea if I start a blog of my journey with adoption and infertility. I should have started a blog many years ago.. but I didn't even know what blogs were back then. Anyway, as you can read from my profile, I have been on a journey for many years to have a family. I have always wanted to be a mom since I can remember. I have actually had a list of kids names for about 12 years now... way before I got married. When my husband and I were dating, we both said we wanted 2-3 children. We didn't want an only child since we were both from a family of 6 children. We both felt our brothers and sisters were a very important part of our lives. It is the first marriage for both of us and we started a little later than others... I was 32 when we got married and my husband was 42. Since we got married a little older, we started to try and get pregnant right away- that was the summer of 2001. I will post more later on my infertility journey... that could take a long time to write!!! Long story short... I got pregnant with my daughter 2 1/2 years later via IVF and had her in the summer of 2004. After my daughter, I got pregnant once naturally, but the fetus died about 9 weeks later and have not been pregnant since. I have tried many infertility treatments since then, including IVF twice with no success. This has led us to international adoption in January 2007. We decided to adopt from Vietnam and signed on with 2 agencies for our adoption. We used Oasis Adoption Services for our homestudy. We are using VORF, Vietnamese Orphan Relief Fund, as our agency to adopt a child from Vietnam. We got a referral for a little boy in February 2008 and are now awaiting the filing of our I-600 (Petition to Declare an orphan from another country as an immediate relative). Once that is filed by our agency, we have to wait until its approved. Once its approved, we will be able to travel to Vietnam to pick up our son. We anticipate traveling some time this summer. We have named him Kyle and are very anxious to bring him home. He is now almost 5 months old in an orphanage in Vietnam. I can't give specifics or pictures of him on this post, as he is not "officially" our son yet until we got to Vietnam to adopt him. Well, that's all for now....


Annie said...

I hope the I-600 is approved soon, and that you'll have a firm date to go to Vietnam to get Kyle. Your blog is bookmarked on my computer and I'll be checking it regularly--especially to see how your trip to Vietnam goes! Wonder if it will be as hot there as it is here in the summer?! You've been through a lot and you deserve to finally have closure on having a family. Love ya' girlie!

renee said...

I cannot wait to meet Devon's little brother! I am wiping a tear! Shea is saving his cloths. Thanks for sharing.

Kelli said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Can't wait to follow your journey to Kyle!