Yup. Deja vu. Sick kids. Again. I swear Kyle has been sick about 4-5x this winter. Had to leave Vegas early and drive home last night. Jack sent Devin to school yesterday and Kyle to daycare. They both hacked their way through the day and Kyle spiked a fever at Ms. Julie's. When I got home, Devin had a 103 degree fever. Yea. So, I am still in jammies with kids today. Hope I don't get it... eating echinacea and vitamins like candy. :). There is some nasty virus going around.
Meanwhile, Jay is still in hospital but doing well. He is getting some rehab while they are trying to make arrangements for in-home care for Jay & Jean. The plan right now is to move Jay & Jean (Jack's parents) into Dave's home (Jack's brother). Since Dave's wife Geri also needs 24 hour care b/c of her degenerative brain disorder... all 3 of them will live there with Dave. He is retired now and takes care of Geri. But, we are working on hiring someone to help out Dave... especially at night. Jack and his brothers would chip in money to help out for their care. Kathy won't b/c she is changing careers AGAIN and just let her house go.
On a good note, Devin is going to get a puppy soon. We promised her she could have a puppy this summer when she turns 7 yrs old. Well, our neighbor's dog, Pistol, had puppies recently and we picked out one of her pups. We just love their dog... great family dog and loves kids. We were planning on getting a sibling of Pistol's when her parents were re-bred. But, then she got pregnant...so we are getting one of her pups instead. Devin picked out a cute boy pup which she has named Chip. She told me she gets to name him b/c "It's my dog Mom and I get to name him." Point taken. I did veto so crazy names like Cherry and Yellow Jacket. But, Chip was ok. He looks like a "Chip". He is now 4 weeks old... brown roan with white and black markings. He is 3/4 Corgi and 1/4 Heeler with docked tail. We wanted a small dog... and vetoed a chihuahua... nippy/ yappy dogs. So, this one should be a cutie. She will get him in a couple weeks.
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