Finally got my mojo back. It's been back for about 3 months now. I finally feel myself again. I felt like such a dark cloud was over us for the past 2 years. Jack has gone through multiple jobs since Hubbell. I hope he has finally found his nitch at Tel Tech. Since my dad was diagnosed and died from cancer... it was just a struggle. I was VERY close to my dad. Still miss him a lot but his light shines in me. I think of him often but remember the good things.
Last summer was tough with Devin's school anxiety... but she has really shined these last few months. She is doing REALLY well... she is doing great in school and extra-curricular activities. She is now riding the school bus home, buying her lunch, and having no anxiety anymore. In the last month, she has had 4 sleepovers with her friends Rowyn and Katie. Let me tell you, happy kids equals happy mom. When my kids aren't happy, either am I. I am so pleased she is doing so well. Her light is really shining and I feel like Devin has finally turned the corner to my happy, anxiety-free child I knew she could be. She just got her 3rd quarter report card and it was all good. She wanted to re-join the Little Gym in the grade school "Flips" class and is still doing dance at Steppin Out studio. Last weekend, at the Superbowl, she even did rock climbing. I was shocked!!!
As for me, I've been riding more. Rode Moon and Chase last weekend. Rode Chase at Estrella Mtn Park today with Lynne. Been working out more and just started Zumba which I love. Been going to more functions with friends and drinking and just lettin' my hair down and having fun which I haven't let myself do for a LONG time. Been out with friends 3-4 times in the last 2 months. So, it's been great. Jack and I are doing well and will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary next month. He cooked for the Mom's Night Out Dutch Oven Cookout at our house last night. Also,I've been reading more and doing some scrap albums and watching 24 on Netflix. It seems the happier I am, the more I accomplish. Plus, I really feel like I've been spending quality time with the family as well... we went to Devin's school Valentine's dance on Friday night. Been going to the library once a week with the kids. Been taking the kids riding. Been taking the kids to all their after-school activities. We've been going to more parties as a family as well. Another thing we've been trying really hard to do is have "family night" once a week together. We also went to the Monster Truck Jam recently. Kyle and Devin loved it. Note to self... wear ear plugs next time. LOL. I definitely got my mojo back. Yea. Next weekend, I go to Vegas for the Western States Veterinary Conference for 4 days. Hope Jack survives the mayhem without me! I will think of it as "Traci appreciation week!" He will realize how much I really do!
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