Sunday, June 22, 2008

Organizing while I wait for Kyle

Nothing much changes huh?! The second photo is Devin at 7 1/2 months old eating some sort of green vegetable... or should I say wearing it? Isn't she a cutie?! The first photo was taken this morning. Devin truly is Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. She can get any shirt dirty and eat anything and get it all over herself. Thus, why she is in the high chair- to try to keep the mess from getting all over my house! :) I don't even buy white shirts any more- just can't keep them clean no matter how much bleach and spray cleaner I use. We went to the grocery store this morning and she begged me to get brownie mix and make them when we got home. Girl loves chocolate- just like her Mom! Can't blame her for that one- its in the genes.
Anyway, we are still patiently waiting for Kyle. We are now on working day 40. So, I figured I would spring clean while I wait. I am going through all Devin's old clothes-dividing them into clothes to give to Big Brothers/ Big Sister, clothes to keep, and clothes to take to the used clothing store for store credit. Since Devin has been growing like a weed these last 6 months and also tends to destroy a lot of her clothes, I have become a big fan of the used clothing stores. They are very popular here and there are at least 3 within 10 miles of my house. Since she outgrows all her clothes about every 3-4 months- its nice to not pay so much for a whole new wardrobe every few months. We still buy her some new clothes - but I am not too proud to get slightly used stuff either. Plus, its 113 degrees today (and all week)- so gotta do stuff indoors. Also, going through my own closets and finally letting go of the last of my maternity clothes. I kept holding on to them "just in case"... but, the reality is... I've been off birth control for 4 years (actually 7-but who's counting?!) Also, going through toys and books and trying to organize. Figure- might as well do it now... won't have time once Kyle gets here...
Well, this post isn't very exciting... but we are trying to bide our time while we wait to go pick up Kyle. Hopefully, we will hear some good news soon. On a good note, my co-workers are having a baby shower for me next weekend before Kyle comes. Should be fun. Krista, my sister-in-law is also planning on having a party after we bring Kyle home. Everyone is very excited for us and can't wait to meet him.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hoping you get your approval soon! Love the pictures!