Tuesday, August 5, 2008

G & R pictures

Giving & Receiving ceremony...

Proud Daddy & Kyle

Devin, Kyle, & Jack

Me, Devin & Kyle
Nanny saying good-bye to Grace (Bryce's daughter)... so sad. She was sobbing.

At the end of the day... sacked out in our bungalow...


Dawn said...

Adorable!! Congratulations

Kelli said...

Congratulations! Kyle is a cutie!

KelleyO said...


Sherri said...

What a sweet, sweet boy and I love seeing pics of momma with her two sweeties! Those Que Son nannies love their babies don't they. They took Grace out of the room at the courthouse and they weren't back when the G&R was about to begin. I am glad they came back! But it is nice to know they were so loved!

Laurie and Travis said...

Kyle is absolutely ADORABLE!! The picture of the nanny sobbing with Grace in her arms just about broke my heart. And the picture of Kyle with his nanny really pulled at my heart strings too - that was the nanny who Shane was most attached to as well. She is incredible. So glad Kyle is finally with his family!

Mia's Mommy said...

Congratulations Tracy. Kyle is precious! I hope your daughter is loving him to pieces too just as you are!