Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sleep deprivation, vaccines & illness

Well, I took Kyle to Phoenix Children's Hospital on Monday for routine exam. He appeared healthy and has gained 1/2 lb since we got him. He is around 50% for height~ 71cm and 25% for weight 17 lbs 6 oz. We discussed running some blood work and fecal exams since we have no history on him. He has had chronic diarrhea which stinks bad since we got him... we like to call it the toxic bomb. Devin says " Mom- Kyle did a bomb again!". Kyle got HiB and Pneumococcal vaccines on Monday. They also are running tests for lead, CBC, repeat HIV & Hep (said that > 6 mos can give false neg), and fecal tests (for chronic diarrhea). They did not repeat the DTV vaccines he already had. Poor guy got high fevers (102.6) afterwards. But, coincidentally, also got sick with either a cold or flu the afternoon after being at the doctors office. I'm sure from all the traveling and plane rides. So, needless to say... we are doubly sleep deprived. He has not been sleeping well since bringing him home. He slept pretty good in VN--- but since flipping around his schedule and not feeling well... its been rough. We are taking shifts and pulling out all our tricks to get him to sleep. Last night was Jack's night to take him.. I was just too tired. No REM sleep hardly for days.... so I got a pretty good night's sleep last night. He is in swing right now. Just gave him some ibuprofen & bendadryl about an hour ago - it should start kicking in soon.

He's had fevers, snotty nose, coughing since Monday. Took him back to doctor yesterday. I thought he had an ear infection too b/c he had some white drainage from his left ear. Well, his ears were full of whitish wax (weird) and gunk.. so they had to flush his ears out first just to check his tympanic membrane. He loved that... NOT! No ear infection... just a virus and vaccine reaction at same time. By the way, his ears were REALLY dirty on the outside when we got him.. .took days to get them clean... but I did not clean ear canals. Wish we would have waited on those vaccines... but who knew he would start to get sick a few hours after dr appt?! Can't take it back now. Anyway, she gave me scripts for Flagyl for diarrhea and hydrocortisone for face rash. Says he may be reacting to all new foods since he really wasn't on anything when we got him. Says sometimes it can take a month for his body to work things out.... but if it doesn't ... we will have to go from there. Personally, I think he may have lactose intolerance. He has many of same symptoms as my nephew who had lactose intolerance... diarrhea, moning when sleeping, vomiting after a bottle.... course you could chalk that up to being sick too. None of the other babies in our group have had diarrhea...He has had it since I got him. Since I got no history on him... I don't know how long this has been going on. No antibiotics right now... she didn't want to mess up his GI tract more than it already is... Have an appt to reck him in 1 month to see how he is adjusting.

On a good note, he is bonding to us very well (despite me holding him when getting vaccines, blood drawn and ears flushed). Yesterday, when he was feeling pretty good (all drugs kicked in)... he was crawling all over the place and exploring (the first time he's done that since being home). He was creating a lot of havoc and I realized I have to re-baby proof my house. My daughter is 4- so it's partially baby proofed with electric plug covers (which he is very attracted to outlets) and move all things low.... he pulled a fake plant and some other light things on top of him.... So, we put baby gates up (had to find them in storage).

Well, I have to go pick up his script soon... he is up.

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