Well... it's finally here. My 40th Birthday. I am officially middle- age. Weird. Remember when you were a teenager and 40 year olds were considered "so old!". Sometimes I feel it when I'm taking care of a baby and a toddler. The sleep deprivation is just a little harder now than even 4 years ago. Well, Kyle is finally feeling better and settling in. He still does not sleep great at night and wakes up multiple times. Boy is he grumpy when he wakes up.... he is half asleep/ half awake and really mad that he woke up. One of his new nicknames is "Grumpy Bear" (same one I had when I was young.. just not a happy camper when he first wakes up). We mostly are sleeping on the floor with him in his room... have tried all the tricks and that seems to work the best. Although, I have been able to get him to sleep in his crib during his afternoon nap. We are fully transitioned over to US time now. It was a rough first week. Thank God for the Olympics playing late at night... gave us something to watch when we couldn't sleep. He is finally almost c0mpletely well. He got really sick last week... fevers, occasional vomiting, cough, snotty nose, and of course... still diarrhea. So, it was a lot of fun... NOT! Made the time transition even worse. Finally get home to enjoy my family at home and Kyle was just miserable (and me too b/c he was!). I got vomited on several times... no cottage cheese for me, thank you. He ran fevers for 6 days.. had to keep him on ibuprofen every 6 hours and Benadryl 2-3x per day.
I took him back to pediatrician last Wednesday.. I thought he had an ear infection b/c he had white waxy stuff coming out of his left ear. Well, it ended up he just had really funky ear wax and a lot of it... they had to flush out his ears to see his tympanic membrane. That was a lot of fun... NOT! Ear plugs, anyone?! He did not have an ear infection...just the flu and vaccine reaction on top of it. He was coughing so bad all week- it made him choke and then vomit. Plus, his appetite wasn't good last week. He finally broke his fevers on Sunday and feeling better. Devin got his cough too... but no fevers.
He is actually happy the last few days. It is good to see... snorting when he laughs (we also call his "Snort"), playing, crawling all over the house and getting into everything, and very opinionated. The boy has got a temper... Krista says welcome to the world of boys! Very active and keeping me on my toes. We also call him "Stink Bug" b/c he sleeps with his but in the air and had some stinky poop. Although, the D bombs are getting better... I switched him to Soy formula (for now) and cut back his food to a 2-3 items and we are treating him with Flagyl. The last few days his poop is getting more solid and less stinky... don't know which one worked. But, we will see... So far, haven't gotten any test results back except neg TB.
Some interesting things about him... I mentioned this before.... he is SO flexible. Seriously. He can touch his earlobes with his feet, clap his feet, practically do a split, bend over with legs straight and put the top of his head on the ground. I think I will put him in karate and/or gymnastics when he is older! Trust me... Devin is not flexible at all. Devin is doing a little better... the first few days back she was on "home turf" and very jealous of all the attention he was getting. Especially when he got sick b/c we really couldn't put him down... she was not a happy camper. But, she is doing better now. She truly loves being a big sister and showing him off. But, she also likes to boss him around and tell him what to do. 

1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Traci! What a way to celebrate - exhausted and knee deep in vomit and poo! :) I'm glad Kyle is starting to feel better. I really sympathize with you on the sleep issues. It took Mattix a LONG time to sleep more than an hour at a time and he still wakes up a few times a night. It's hard to be so tired, but it will get better. I hope 40 is the best yet!
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