We finally met Kyle for the first time yesterday at the orphanage. There are 5 families traveling together... the most this orphanage has ever seen. We had to take 2 vans to the orphanage about an hour an 1/2 away. Very poor rural province. Jack says the minimum wage here is $55/week (6 working days). Let me tell you ---it is a scary thing riding in a vehicle in Vietnam. We think our NASCAR drivers are whimps compared to these drivers. Its basically a big game of chicken on the road and the biggest vehicle with the loudest horn wins. People drive on both sides of the road constantly and dodge in/out of cars, trucks, mopeds, pedestrians, and bicycles. SCARY. I think an "Oh Shit" was yelled by many of the passengers at least a few times.

Kids who live outside the orphanage when the adoptive parents gave out some candy. They seemed to come out of no where...
Well, we finally arrived alive to the orphanage somehow. I think our big group overwhelmed everyone. There were 16 babies there. I didn't recognize Kyle at first and walked right by him. Jack says, "Isn't this him?" I said "No, that's a little girl." OOPS. Anyway, there were so many people coming into the room and Kyle freaked out. PURE TERROR in his eyes. Seeing all these white people with light hair & light eyes speaking a funny language and taking his picture scared him to death. He wanted nothing to do with me for at least 1/2-1 hour. Didn't want me touching him or holding him. We were only there for 2 hours - he warmed up a little by the end. It's not going to be easy. He looks healthy and well cared for. The nannies there were sweet but a little pushy and took Kyle from us at least 1/2 the time. I didn't really fight it b/c I figured we will have him the rest of our lives--- and they have been taking care of him for the last 9 months and only have him one more day.
Some typical Vietnam houses near the orphanage..
Some workers in the rice fields with their water buffalo...
On our way back, we stopped at a store similar to our Walmart. Very weird experience. There were security guards at the front of the store and everywhere in the store. You can't take any purses or bags into the store andthey follow you around and watch you like a hawk. Then they check your receipt and bags when you come out. Not sure if its because of Communism or theft or both. Kinda an eary feeling to me. It was hard to shope b/c I can't read any of the signs... so just walked around till I found what I was looking for. In the back of the store was the seafood section... the worst stink I have ever smelled. Thought I was going to hurl. Truly smelled like death/ rotting corpses. This is the food section. Completely grossed me out and I ran away from that section. Another weird thing is everyone is enamored with Devin - blond hair and blue eyes. Lots of people wanted to touch or squeeze her and touch her hair. Jack & Devin were waiting for me outside the store and everyone was touching her as they went by. One of the guys in our group says its good luck for them to do that. Devin didn't seem to mind.... just stared back at them.
Well, we made it back to the hotel and Devin fell asleep at the dinner table - literally. She has been such a trooper. She rocked all the babies at the orphanage and checked their diapers... she REALLY wanted to change a diaper. Speaking of that, I don't think they use diapers normally at the orphanage. They have metal cribs with bamboo mats in them and pans under the bed to catch urine. I saw a bunch of them drying outside. It makes sense- probably can't afford to buy diapers for 16 babies and then get rid of them (no trash service). Plus, I didn't see any diapers in the cabinets. So, I think they put diapers and clothes on them for our arrival.
I am feeling better now. Think I was just exhausted, not eating well, and jet lagged- made me feel like the worst hangover (but without the drinking). I am better adjusted now and feeling better. Well , I will post more later about our G&R...
CONGRATS ~ He is adorable!!
you finally made it. congrats. he is precious!
Yeah!! He is so cute!
He is beautiful. I am so excited for you and I can't wait to see photos of the G&R. Devin is a real trooper. Vietnamese sure do love children.
he is a doll! Congrats! Hope the rest of your trip runs smoothly.
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