Monday, August 4, 2008

Giving & Receiving Ceremony

We had our Giving & Receiving ceremony yesterday morning. This is the official court ceremony where Vietnam "gives" you your child and you "receive" them. It is in a court building and you have to sign all the papers to officially adopt your child. The nannies from the orphanage bring your child to the court building. I gave them an outfit for Kyle yesterday for him to wear. He did very well and didn't cry too much at the ceremony. Jack felt very emotional at this event -as we have been waiting 1 1/2 years to get him. It was very sad seeing the nannies cry when they had to say good-bye to the babies.

On our way back to the resort, Kyle had a complete breakdown... cried and was inconsolable for an hour and a half in the van. Didn't want us touching him, holding him or talkin to him. If we tried to touch him too much- he pulled his arms away or over his head and would not look at us and arched his back and screamed bloody murder. Poor little guy.. scared to death. Finally, he fell asleep from exhaustion. We got back and ate in our bungalow the rest of the day. He did better later in the afternoon... we took him to the beach and walked around and he actually wrapped his legs around me and held on to me with his hands! Before that, he had his hands clenched in fists to his body so he wouldn't touch us. Progress already! :) We ate a little that day - likes to suck on his baby bottle for comfort... kinda like a binky but a bottle. I think he sucked on his bottle in his crib at the orphanage for self-soothing.

He fell asleep in Jack's arms last night (after fighting it for an hour) and slept 8 hours straight. We couldn't believe it... may not happen again, but it was nice to get some sleep b/c I'm still a little off schedule. This morning, he let me hold him when I gave him his bottle and is doing a little better with us...not crying as much and more receptive to our touch. He just fell asleep again... sleeping more than usual.. .but I think all the emotional stress is wearing him out.

Ok- the internet won't let me download pictures right now... will try again later...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I hope it gets a little easier each day. It is so hard when you know that they are hurting but won't let you help them.