Friday, March 12, 2010

The Angels are Crying today

Someone told me today that it is raining b/c the angels are crying. Today was my dad's funeral. They say the angels are crying with us as we grieve the loss of our father. It seems fitting that it should rain all day b/c it doesn't feel like a sunny day. I am sad. It has been rough. I spoke today at my dad's service. I miss him already and it feels strange to be at home where I grew up without my dad here. You can definitely feel the void of his presence. My mom is so sad... I grieve with her and for her as well. She hasn't been without my dad for 52 years. She doesn't remember what life was like without him. I wish she lived close by so I could stop by and see her more often. So sad today.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Traci, I've been quietly reading along but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I lost a sister 5 years ago- it's so hard to lose an immediate family member. Thinking of you!

Kelli (VORF)