Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kyle & Devin talk

Here are some interesting things the kids have said lately...

When I picked her up after work..."Mom, you smell. You need to take a shower."
"Dad, don't look at Mom when she's changing, she needs her privacy."
When blowing a dandilion... "I wish I could touch the moon."
Crying.. Devin, what's wrong?... " I had a bad dream last night. I dreamt I drank a bad potion and it turned me into a bat."


Thank you.... tankoo
Please.... pease
Truck... fruck, twuck or fwuck
Excuse me.... cuse me
Don't like it... just says "like it" when nodding back & forth, or "no like it"
mine... MINE!!!!
Mac truck... MAC!!!
sprinkler... spinker
fish... Jingle (our fish's name)
potato.. tato
bottle... ba
water... wawa
motorcyle... momo
tractor... tactor

It's so cute to see Kyle learn how to talk. He is learning new words everyday and starting to put two words together now. We finally weaned him off his bottle last week. It's been about 1 week. We have slowly been only letting him have bottles at night and at naps and sippy cups/juice boxes during the day. Well, he has chewed through all the nipples on all his bottles. So, I gave him warnings if he chewed through all the nipples, no more "ba". So, I finally said, no more ba's. I put them all in a bag and put them in the garage. He has done better than I would have thought. He has asked for his bottle several times, but we have been holding our ground. Course, then he went on a milk strike and wouldn't drink milk for 5 days. But, now he is finally starting to drink milk out of a sippy cup. I figure one week without milk won't hurt him. We wanted to do this a while ago, but he kept getting sick and then we went on a trip. Not good times for changes.

The other new news is he is starting to use the potty. Course, it helps to have an older sister encouraging him. We have a talking potty chair. He has been using it at least once a day for the last few weeks and has pooped 3x! I have not been pushing him yet. I wanted to wean him first. Then, we will start encouraging to use the potty more. I think he will potty train much faster and earlier than Devin (she was '3 yrs 4 months). Part of the reason it took Devin so long was b/c she was at a daycare she was unhappy at and they didn't help me potty train during the day!).

We are looking to purchase Devin a "big girl bed". She truly has outgrown her toddler bed. I am looking at a twin bed on Craig's List. Put in a request last night. Once we buy her bed, we will move Kyle out of his crib into her toddler bed. Then, it will be easier to potty train him. Plus, he is now climbing out of his crib anyway. So, it is time.

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