Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bye-bye Binky

Well, today is the day. The "binky fairy" took away Devin's last binky. I have slowly weaned her down over the last few months... she was getting it just in the car & when she goes to sleep. My friend Mo gave me some great ideas of how to wean her off completely. So, I "bribed" her with Trident gum if she would stop using the binky in the car. Since Devin has been wanting to chew gum for a year (I told her she had to wait till she's 4)... she was thrilled to chew gum. :) It worked like a charm. But, she still wanted it to go to sleep. So, we have been talking about the binky fairy coming to get her binky.... The story goes like this... "When boys and girls get big enough, they don't need their binkies anymore. The binky fairy comes and takes the binkies up in the sky to all the babies in the world who need them. Brother Kyle needs a binky... so we need to send it to him. " We have been talking about if for a couple weeks now. We were going to do it last weekend, but Devin's normal homecare lady was gone this week. So, we didn't want to change too much this week. Well, today is the day... so we got some balloons and tied the binky to it and let it fly away ("the binky fairy is carrying it away to baby brother Kyle")... she said good-bye. And, then we gave her a bowl of ice cream. :) We'll see how it goes tonight... but she did very well. Here are some photos of our bye-bye binky ceremony....

As for Kyle, we are now on working day 55 of 60 with no news... hope to hear something soon.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

What a great idea- I have never heard of tying the binky to balloons. Hope you get good news on Kyle soon!